Check out the pics on the for sale page. We have 1 more New Zealand Doe due.
We will then have more does due in February 2022.
I will be updating the baby pics with the next week.
Kiko Goats

Kiko Goat Breed from https://articles.extension.org/pages/19288/goat-breeds-kiko
The word "kiko" had traditionally been used by New Zealand's native people, the Maori, to describe substantial meat producing animals. In Maori, the Polynesian language spoken by the Maori people, "kikokiko" is the generic term for flesh for consumption. Originally, a consortium of New Zealand's farmers were determined to continue the local usage to describe the enhanced meat producing goat they were developing. The Kiko breed is known for its hardiness and ability to thrive and gain weight in natural conditions without supplemental feeding. The females are capable of conceiving, carrying, birthing and rearing multiple offspring without intervention.
The primary characteristic of the Kiko goat is its hardiness and its ability to achieve substantial weight gains when run under natural conditions without supplementary feeding. In addition, the female is capable of conceiving, carrying and giving birth to and rearing multiple offspring without intervention under less than ideal conditions. The Kiko is an aggressive forager, capable of thriving under conditions of feed deprivation.
Data from a study conducted at Tennessee State University in 2004 indicated that Kikos may be more parasite-resistant than other breeds and have fewer problems with foot-rot. In that study, Kikos weaned more pounds of kid per doe as compared with Boer goats. However, Boer goats are preferred by buyers at sale barns. For this reason, many breeders will use a Boer buck on Kiko does.
References: American Kiko Goat Association