Thank you to everyone who visited our farm and/or purchased goats!!
Please feel free to call with any questions or a visit ...
If you are looking for something specific give us a call. We can send pics and prices 317-385-1962
We have had 32 kids born beginning Dec. 20, 2024.
We have NKR registered New Zealand and Purebreds and registerable percentage does and Commercial.
Some have already been reserved.
More pics to come! Call 317-385-1962 if wanting information/
Discount for purchasing multiple goats.
2024-2025 Kids

New Zealand Doelings
Born: 12/25/2024
Birth Weight: 7lbs.
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: Stay Gold
Dam: Denali's Gigi

New Zealand Doelings
Born: 12/22/2024
Birth Weight: 7lbs.
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: Denali's Koati Pango
Dam: Gracie

New Zealand Bucklings
Born: 12/16/2024
Birth Weight: 6lbs.
Birth Rank: Triplets
Sire: Denali's Koati Pango
Dam: Bethoven's Triple Gold

Doeling is tan & registerable in center.
Bucklings right & left black
Born: 01/11/2025
Birth Weight: 6.5lbs.
Birth Rank: Triplets
Sire: Denali's Koati Pango
Dam: Hillbilly Sunshine

NKR Reg 75% exposed to Hua and possibly bred.

Hua Koati

SOLD-$900- New Zealand Kiko Buck
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Birth Weight: 8 lbs.
Birth Rank: Twin
Weight: 9 months 150
Sire: BKK Denali
Dam: RAI Gracie
He has bread 11 of our does and is related to the other half of the herd. He has a lot of growing left to do. He is muscled with a big frame, but is respectful and calm.
Large, correct scrotum with no split and correct teats.
Sire had correct scrotum with no split and 1x1 teats. The dam is 1x1.

SOLD-$900-New Zealand Kiko Buck
Born: Jan 28, 2024
Birth Weight: 5.5 lbs
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: RDH Sequoia
Dam: TSF Beethoven's Triple Gold
He has been busy was some girls of his own.
Large, correct scrotum with no split and correct teats.Sire had correct scrotum with no split and 1x1 teats. The dam is 1x1.

$350-New Zealand Kiko Buck.
Born: May 13, 2024
Birth Weight: 9.75
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: Denali (180lb at 6 months)
Dam: Sweet Pea (90 day weight 68lb)
Bloodlines include Indian Outlaw, Roho Grande, Southwest Goliath's Trump, Goatex Goliath, Sunboy Waco. Teats, Scrotum are correct for all.

Left: $250 Purebred Kiko Buck
Right: $500 Purebred
Kiko Doe
Born: May 14, 2024
They areTwins.
Dam is pictured w/
Birth Weights: 6.5 lbs
Sire: Denali
Scrotum and teats correct for all.

Left: $350
New Zealand Kiko Buck
Born: April 2024
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: Denali (180lb at 6 months)
Dam: Gigi
Bloodlines include Indian Outlaw, Roho Grande, SSunboy Waco. Teats, Scrotum are correct for all.

Left: $250
Kiko Purebred Buck
Born: April 2024
Birth Rank: Twin
Sire: Denali (180lb at 6 months)
Dam: Buckskin
Bloodlines include Indian Outlaw, Roho Grande, Sunboy Waco. Teats, Scrotum are correct for all.
$650-Black Purebred Kiko Twin Doeling
Born: Nov 6, 2023
Weight: 7.5lbs.
Dam: Lady
Sire: Denali

50% Kiko
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Dam: Bella
Sire: Denali

Kiko Buckling
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Dam: Bella
Sire: Denali
ITwin NZ Doe

$750 each
New Zealand
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Weight: 7lbs.
Dam: Misty
Sire: Hua Koati


$750-Buff w/Black & Wht.
Twin Buckling
Born: 10/30/2023
Weight: 7lbs
Dam: Rabbit
Sire: Hua Koati


$550 left-Paint
Purebred Kiko
Born: Nov 3, 2023
Dam: Nehemiah
Sire: Denali


$550- to the left
Purebred Kiko
Dam: Brown Sugar
Sire: Denalie
​$550 to the right
Purebred Kiko

$550 each
Red paint Doeling
White Doeling
Born: Oct 31, 2023
Birth Weight: 6lbs.
Dam: Pilgrim,
Sire: Hua Koati
$750- each
New Zealand
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Dam: Sugar
Sire: Hua Koati


SOLD $900-
KSA Denali's Koati Pango
New Zealand Buck -
reg NKR
Born: 11/01/2023
Birth Weight: 8 lbs.
Birth Rank: Twin
6 month Weight:
Sire and Dam's papers are below.
Never wormed

$550-Red Purebred
Kiko Twin Doeling
Born: Nov 6, 2023
Weight: 7lbs.
Dam: Lady
Sire: Denali


$550-Pictured left
Purebred Kiko
Twin- 1 is sold
Born: Nov 1, 2023
Dam: Black Mountain Girl
Sire: Hua Koati
Her sister is sold.
New Zealand Kiko
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Dam: Gracie
Sire: Denali


New Zealand Kiko
Twin- 1 is sold
Born: Oct 30, 2023
Dam: Sweet Pea
Daughter of Denali
Sire: Hua Koati
He is huge!


Born: Nov 4, 2023
Weight: 9lbs
Dam: Babbett Pictured
Sire: Hua Koati

2023 Kids-Sold

SOLD-$700-New Zealand Kiko Buckling born on April 10, 2023 weighing 7.25lbs. He is long thick and fast growing. His mother Sequoia's Indian Maiden picture above. She is our largest doe and has a great gentle termperment, and a great udder with good attachment and lots of milk, a trait we are trying to breed for. His Sire is Denali. Denali has not needed his feet trimmed. Both have good parasite resistance. The sire, dam and buckling all have 1x1 teats. I will be checking his current weight and adding his daily gain shortly.

SOLD-$750- New Zealand Buckling born Jan 29, 2023. He is a twin and weighed 9.5 lbs. at birth. He is now 90 days old and his weight is currently 53 lbs. He is gaining 1/2 pound a day. His parents are NKR registered RAI Gracie, and sire is BKK Denali. Gracie's kidded unassisted.

SOLD-$750-New Zealand Kiko Buckling born on Feb 9, 2023.
78 days old on 02/28/2023 and gaining 1/2 lb. daily. He has a big frame is fast growing, thick and long. His colrful ticks are darkening and increasing. His sire is BKK Denali and his dam is Rabbit.

SOLD-$750-New Zealand Doeling born on Feb 7, 2023. She is a triplet who weighed 7 lbs. at birth. She is growing great. Her dam is EHW Sugar Belle, and sire is BKK Denali. Sugar Belle had triplets unassisted 3 years in a row and raised all on mom's milk.


2022 Kids

We came home to 2 beautiful little bucks delivered by this first time mom who is thick and shown good parasite resistance, solid confirmation. The kids were up dry and fed when we found them. You have to love Kiko moms for that! Denali is the sire. f We also do not have to trim parent's feet. The dam is 75% and comes from Ohio. Genetics for sire and dam are below. Since these bucks will only be 88%, we are selling them as commercial bucks at $300 each. They should add a solid frame with good muscle ratio. More pics and weights to come. In keeping with our western theme, the doe's name is Little Blackie from True Grit.




SOLD-(R)The sire of the buckling pictured (right) is our New Zealand buck Denali (Son of BKK Sequoia and grandson of RDH Indian Outlaw). The dam is our registered purebred doe Nehemiah whose genetics include CGI Ringo and LRF Pango Hua. These 2 have repeatedly created thick kids with great weight gains and parasite resistance. Abednego Pictured far right is a full brother from last yr.


The pic (right) is Abednego at 1 yr. He weighed in at 122lbs at 1 year old. He was born on 01/14/2021 to Nehemiah and Denali. Rate of gain
Pic courtesy of LLL Home Sweet Homestead

Sugar-New Zealand Kiko Doe-
Delivered Triplets

Sold- NZ Kiko Buckling-light tan w/white markings, (R) is top view of buck

Sugar's triplets are sold

New Zealand, Sequoia's Indian Maiden (L) delivered the New Zealand doeling (R) on 1/9/2022. The sire is Denali (New Zealand) grandson of Indian Outlaw. The dam is a thick large frame hardy doe. She is a gentle soul and a great mother! She weighed 6.5 lbs.
Doe-New Zealand
Reserved w/ Deposit
Nehemiah- Purebred delivered twins (R) 1/13/2022

Buck-Purebred 8 lbs

Above is a pic of the buckling pictured below at the age of 1 yr old on Jan 14, 2022. At 1 yr old he weighed in at 122.2 lbs. This pic is courtesy of the family that purchased him.
Buck-Purebred 7.25bs

Delivered triplets (R) on 01/12/2022

Doe-Percentage-7.5 lbs
Reserved w/ deposit.
Buck-Percentage-8.5 llbs.

Black Doe-Percentage-8.5 lbs. Reserved w/deposit

Buck-New Zealand-8lbs

Buck-New Zealand-8lbs
Reserved w/ Deposit


Rabbit- New Zealand
Delivered twin bucks on 01/11/2022
2021 Kids-Sold

Sold-These 2 New Zealand doelings were born in April 2021

SOLD-This sleek black doe was born January 14th as a twin and weighed 7.5 lbs. Her dam Goldie is a purebred Kiko, but is not registered. The doeling can be registered as 50%. Her sire is Denali. Goldie (pictured right) kidded her first time with us and had no issues. This doe is long and thick.
SOLD before weaning- New Zealand buckling pictured at 1 day old. His sire is Denali, grandson of Indian Outlaw. His dam is Sweet Pea pictured to the left. She is a young first time mother. She is a great mother and delivered him unassisted.

SOLD -This pic does not do this beautiful New Zealand doe justice. She was born on January 17 as a triplet. Her birth weight was 7.5 lbs. She is thick and wide. Her dam, Sugar (pictured rigth), is sister to our previous buck warrior and her sire is Denali. She comes from large fast growing bloodlines on both sides. She has a black V on the back of her head and a stripe down her back. She is a triplet and weighed 7.5 lbs. She can be registered NKR. Sugar is an easy keeper and delivers with no issues. She is feeding all three kids. Her sister has been already been reserved.

SOLD-This pretty little lady was born January 12th as a twin and weighed 7 lbs. Her mother is a percentage Kiko and the doeling can be registered as a 50%. Her sire is Denali and her mother is pictured right.
SOLD-This buckling is twin to the doe on the left. He weiged 8 lbs at birth. He is a percentage Kiko, but has would make a great commercial herd buck. He possesses Denali's genetics and his mother is a long and thick. She is a wonderful protective mother and had no issues birthing.

SOLD-Pictured left, this little New Zealand buck was born on September 13, 2020. He is 2 weeks old in this pic. he weighed 8 pounds at birth. His dam is Renee (New Zealand Doe) and Denali (New Zealand Buck). He is thick and large framed with light tan spots on his sides and back and has tan stockings. He can be registered.

Sold-Beautiful NKR registerable purebred doe born December 31, 2019 as a triplet. Her dam is 100% New Zealand Kiko. Her Sire is BFI Ash. She is a well built, fast growing and has a sweet disposition. She has red legs and red on her head.
SOLD-Reserved! This colorful purebred buck weighed in at 9 lbs. He will be going to Bloomfield to start his own herd.

SOLD- Born October 2021. This little New Zealand doe is from Blizzard and Denali.
She is wide and thick. She weighed 7.5 at birth. She has a beautiful face and has a gray across the back of her head and a stripe down her back. She can be registered as New Zealand.
Sold-Nehemiah (Purebred Doe) gave birth to 2 Purebred thick fast growing bucks on April 9, 2020. These bucks will be for sale upon weening for $300 each. Nehemiah is a hardy goat that is thick and parasite resistant. She gave birth unassisted and is a great mother. Their sire is Winter Warrior (NKR New Zealand). Warrior's bloodlines include TMK Bouncer; GHK Apache Loverboy; SPK Sunboy 117; BTH Betula Hill Moneymaker; Coo Iron Horse; Tay Onyx; Sunboy Waco; MGR Titan's Hammer. Warrior gained .47 pounds a day

Purebred Kiko Buckling: $300 Sold
Large frame, thick, muscular, fast growing.
Dam is New Zealand NKR registered. Sire is a very colorful NKR registered purebred. Bloodlines include: Apache Loverboy; Sunboy 117 Loverboy (top and bottom) ; Betula Hill Moneymaker; Tay Onyx; Coo Iron Horse; Mr. Speckles.

Sold-Bella (Unregistered Kiko) gave birth to twin does. Her girls are tall and long and fast growing. The doe pictured in front of Bella is for sale ($300) and has a lot of red hair coming in. The doeling can be registered as a 50% Kiko. Her sire is Winter Warrior (NKR registered New Zealand). Warrior's bloodlines include TMK Bouncer; GHK Apache Loverboy; SPK Sunboy 117; BTH Betula Hill Moneymaker; Coo Iron Horse; Tay Onyx; Sunboy Waco; MGR Titan's Hammer. Warrior gained .47 pounds a day

75% Kiko doeling. Sold.
Born Jan 5, 2020
Born a triplet with 2 brothers which are sold. Teats are correct.
Dam is 50% Kiko and father is Kiko Purebread BFI Ash. Both are NKR registered. The dam is an easy keeper and is black. Ash Bloodlines include: Apache Loverboy; Sunboy 117 Loverboy (top and bottom) ; Betula Hill Moneymaker; Tay Onyx; Coo Iron Horse; Mr. Speckles.

88% Doe: $300 Sold
Thick, muscular, fast growing.
Dam is 75% Kiko and father is Kiko Purebread BFI Ash. Both are NKR registered. This is the dam's second breeding, and she has delivered and cared for triplets both times with no help. Bloodlines include: Apache Loverboy; Sunboy 117 Loverboy (top and bottom) ; Betula Hill Moneymaker; Tay Onyx; Coo Iron Horse; Mr. Speckles.